Environmental & Science Education
Edward Hessler
"Sometimes you want to go/Where everybody knows your name".--From lyrics to "Cheers" by Gary Portnoy and Judy Hart.
You may be able to find out whether your moggie knows its name by trying this. Choose four random words that are the same length and intonation as the the cat's name (this may be the hard part). Say then to your cat with an interval of about 15 seconds between each word, then say its actual name. Your cat likely knows its name if it swivels its ears or perks up its head or gets up.
For more about this study from Japan check see here (with video). There is a link to the original study.
The following video has nothing to do with the study. It is about the power of kittendom. These videos start with ads and this one can be skipped in a few seconds unless you want to know about cooking with turmeric.
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