Environmental & Science Education
Science Fairs
Edward Hessler
Fourteen-year old Sidor Clare, a seventh grader from Sandy, Utah won the 2019 Broadcom MASTERS* a $10,000 Marconi/Samueli Award for Innovation. She developed a prototype brick that could be manufactured on Mars using local materials.
You may read answers to five questions here as well as learn about her project and the award. This is part of what she had to say about taking risks. She also talks about what she would say to herself as a five-year-old from the vantage point of being fourteen today.
"The risks worth taking are the ones that help others. For example, you might risk your social status or your friends if you stick up for a peer, but by standing up for that peer, you’ve helped them become happier. Risks that result in helping others are worth it because whether you are humiliated or not, you’ve helped the world become a better place."
Here is a short video (~1 minute) where she describes her project.
*MASTERS = Math, Applied Science, Technology & Engineering for Rising Stars
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