Thursday, December 17, 2020

Minnesota's Landscape Heritage by John Tester: 2nd Revision

Environmental & Science Education, STEM, Nature, Earth Science, Geology, Wildlife

Ed Hessler

I was very pleased to learn that John Tester's Minnesota's Landscape Heritage has been updated and will be released December 29 (University of Minnesota Press). A classic in my opinion.

It has been 25 years since it was first released. I've always liked the title. First it is accurate and second it describes what we inherited from the natural world. It provided a clear-eyed sense of the various natural fabrics of this state. Whole. Accessible. The kind of book you wanted to take a look at after visiting other parts of the state. What is/was it like there?

There was a brief review and interview with the three collaborators who did the revision in the Star Tribune (November 20) by Bob Timmons. The writers for this revision are Susan Galatowitsch (Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, UMM). Rebecca Montgomery (Department of Forest Resources, UMN), and John Moriarty (Three Rivers Park District).

The writers tell us how they met Dr. Tester, how they have used the book and what resonates with each of them after working on the second edition. Things have changed for the better; losses to be sure but gains.. There have been environmental successes! Tester was at work on the revision and had a firm idea of what should be revised. Galatowitsch put it this way: "'He was sharp and opinionated all he way to end of his life.'"

The Timmons column may be read here.

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