Monday, July 8, 2024

Blog News - Ed will be out for a bit

News for our Blog community

CGEE admin

Our esteemed blog author Ed Hessler will be out for a short respite.  We don't have a date he will return yet but will keep you posted here. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Bear Cam, Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park

Monday, July 1, 2024

Topeka Shiner Restoration

Environmental & Science Education, STEM, Nature, Wildlife, Earth & Space Science, Earth Systems, Biological Diversity, Biological Evolution, Sustainability, Climate Change

Ed Hessler

It was terrific to see an article on one of the smaller fishes of Minnesota, the endangered Topeka Shiner, on the front page of the news, poking above the fold in the June 17, 2024 StarTribune. For more about the fish see the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Rare Species Guide. I draw attention to it at the top because the photograph shows just what a lovely fish it is. 

StarTribune environmental reporter Greg Stanley takes us on a field trip with biologists.
The essay is behind a subscription paywall. However, it may be read here. It includes one photograph. Here is a story from the Wildlife Management Institute on a similar project in Iowa.

I was struck by the immediacy of this effort. 

Thanks to Greg Stanley for his reporting of a story important to Minnesota citizens, to the Nature Conservancy for their part in the project, to the citizens of Minnesota for providing legislative support for the Minnesota Outdoor Heritage Fund and to the Star Tribune for publishing it and placing it on page one!